At the end of each calendar year, the Town Council is required to set its priorities and budget for the next financial year.
The council prepares several documents which assist with planning for the following financial year and beyond.
These are presented to the meeting of Full Council in December each year in draft form, before being consulted upon, and then presented to Full Council in January for finalisation and adoption.
The most recent Strategic Plan 2024-29, Annual Plan 2024/25, and Annual Budget 2024/25 were adopted by Uckfield Town Council at their meeting of the full Council on 15 January 2024.
You can download or view the documents below:
Our Strategic Plan 2024-29 lays out our priorities over the next five years, with aims that will be met in the short, medium, and long term.
Our Annual Plan 2024-25 offers a simplified look at priority projects that we will be addressing over the next 12 months, condensed onto one sheet.
Our Budget 2024-25 sets out the budget for the 2024-25 financial year.
We are currently working on our priorities and budget for 2025-26. For further information and to have your say on these documents, visit Have your Say!
The Town Council regularly reviews its corporate policies, which ensure that we have a number of internal controls and procedures in place to effectively manage the organisation. These policies guide our elected members and staff in their day to day work.
Code of Conduct Policy (adopted May 2024)
Co-option Policy
Standing Orders (revised and adopted Sept 2024)
Scheme of Delegation (adopted Sept 2024)
Financial Regulations (revised and adopted Sept 2024)
Community Grants Programme Policy Criteria
Publication scheme
Tree Policy
Climate Change Policy