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New Town Mayor and Deputy Mayor elected

Uckfield Town Council are delighted to announce the election of a new Town Mayor and Deputy Mayor for 2024-25 following a vote by Town Councillors at the Annual Statutory Meeting on 20 May 2024.

Elected as Town Mayor was Councillor Karen Bedwell, who has represented the Ridgewood Ward since being co-opted to the Council in May 2019.

Cllr Bedwell has been Chair of the Plans Committee at Uckfield Town Council for three years from 2021-24 and has been pivotal in the detailed consideration of applications and representation of the town at planning inquiries on Uckfield-based applications, particularly major planning applications.

Karen also chairs the Ridgewood Village Hall Committee and is closely involved in the various community events the Village Hall runs, including its regular events, the monthly Community Lunch Club and Every Mind Matters.

Cllr Bedwell was involved in setting up an outreach food box scheme during the pandemic when vulnerable people were unable to leave their homes. She also currently leads fundraising events for Ridgewood Village Hall such as their annual Spring Fair and Bunny Hunt.

Joining Cllr Bedwell as Deputy Mayor will be former Town Mayor and long-serving town councillor, Spike Mayhew.

Cllr Mayhew served as Town Mayor between 2018 and 2021 and has been Chair of the Environment and Leisure Committee at Uckfield Town Council for the last three years (2021-24).

An instantly recognisable presence in the town, Cllr Mayhew is involved in many groups and events as his outside interests see him perform in the Uckfield Theatre Guild with many a pantomime dame role played over the years.

Cllr Mayhew has been actively involved in the organisation of town events, such as Weald on the Field, and the Uckfield Revival, and supported the Big Clean up on the King’s Coronation weekend in May 2023 to help the Luxfords Centre.

With this latest internal election, Cllr Bedwell becomes Uckfield Town Council’s twentieth different incumbent in the role of Town Mayor.

While 18 Town Mayors have served single terms in the role, two have previously served two non-consecutive terms; Cllr H. Holloway (1979-82 and 1983), and Cllr Louise Eastwood (2006-09 and 2015-18).

Cllr Bedwell succeeds Cllr Jackie Love, who served as Town Mayor from 2021 to 2024 and will continue to serve as a Town Councillor for the Uckfield North Ward, as well as the new Chair of the Plans Committee.

Cllr Mayhew succeeds Cllr Donna French as Deputy Mayor after Cllr French also served a three-year term from 2021 to 2024. She continues to represent the Uckfield East Ward as a Town Councillor.

Additionally, Councillors elected three Committee Chairs for 2024-25 during the Annual Statutory Meeting. The list of all key appointments made at the meeting is as follows:

Town Mayor – Councillor Karen Bedwell

Deputy Mayor – Councillor Spike Mayhew

General Purposes Committee Chair – Councillor Diane Ward (re-appointed)

Environment & Leisure Committee Chair – Councillor Angie Smith

Plans Committee Chair – Councillor Jackie Love

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