
Plans Committee Meeting – 28th October 2024

On Monday, 28th October 2024, Uckfield Town Council will host a Plans Committee meeting that holds added importance for the town’s future development.

Included in the agenda for the meeting are discussions about two new housing development proposals, regarding sites at Ridgewood Farm and just off Lewes Road in Ridgewood.

The first of these, planning application number WD/2023/2939, is a proposal for 750 dwellings, a local Neighbourhood Centre, strategic open space, child play provision and residential parking facilities, together with 10,627 sq. m. of business floorspace, parking facilities and associated infrastructure, and fully serves school site, including access arrangements.

The second, planning application number WD/2024/2226, is an outline application for the demolition of existing structures and the erection of up to nine dwellings.

Due to the public interest in these applications, we are moving the location of this meeting from the Council Chamber to the Weald Hall here in the Civic Centre Uckfield, TN22 1AE.

Our role in the planning application is as statutory consultees, so the views shared by Town Councillors will feed into an official response from the Town Council submitted to the consultation about the application.

As with all other Council meetings, the start time is at 7:00pm.

Members of the public are invited to attend and watch the meeting, although any statements should be submitted in advance rather than raised on the night. Statements and questions can be sent to the Town Council in advance of the meeting by emailing [email protected] and if appropriate and relevant, will be included in the meeting.

More information about the two planning applications previously mentioned can be found on the Wealden District Council website at the following links:

Ridgewood Farm proposal: https://planning.wealden.gov.uk/plandisp.aspx?recno=164108

Land off Lewes Road, Ridgewood proposal: https://planning.wealden.gov.uk/plandisp.aspx?recno=167043

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