Uckfield Town Council consultations


Residents’ Survey – Winter 2024

Uckfield Town Council is one of three local authorities delivering services in your local area.

We have created a survey to understand more about what you as a local resident think about where you live. We’re keen to understand:

  • What you like
  • What needs improving
  • What you consider to be a priority for you and your family
  • How often you use Town Council services

The survey should take no more than 15-20 minutes to complete, so grab that cuppa and make a difference!

The survey has been created on Google Forms, so if you’re completing the survey on a mobile, you may need to rotate your phone to landscape (i.e. on its side) so you can fully see the questions.

To complete the Residents’ Survey, click the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSct3mMXtVCKx4exOdM-L0-npkFrUoOXWi_sXt6F0ufHvPKixg/viewform

Considering the Town Council’s priorities for 2025-26

The feedback from the Residents’ Survey won’t just inform the priorities for the Town Council in 2025-26, but our longer term policy development too! Such as the development of our Neighbourhood Plan and longer term planning for the needs of the town, so we’re better informed when we’re talking to or lobbying our key stakeholders such as partner agencies and developers.

We are in the process of setting our priorities and working on our draft Strategic Plan (2025-30) and draft Annual Plan (2025-26) for next year and beyond. We would welcome your views on these documents and whether we’ve got our priorities right.
Comments are welcome before 11.59pm on Sunday 12 January 2024.

Draft Strategic Plan (2025-30)
Draft Annual Plan (2025-26)

Please email [email protected] or write to the Town Clerk at Uckfield Town Council, Civic Centre, Uckfield, TN22 1AE with your comments.


Photo of train approaching Uckfield station at dawn

Wealden District Council are consulting on their budget for 2025-26

Wealden DC would like your views on how they spend their money, how they could raise more money and the level at which the District Council should set the council tax next year.

They provide many services including waste collection, environmental health, council housing, planning and building control. To help shape their budget for 2025/26, they have launched a survey.

Council Budget 2025-26 | Let’s Talk Wealden

The deadline for responding to the consultation falls on: Friday 10 January 2025
East Sussex County Council consultations

East Sussex County Council

East Sussex County Council (ESCC) regularly consults on its ‘Core Offer’.

To help manage the financial pressures that the County Council is under, they have created a Core Offer of what can be provided in terms of services and what residents should expect from them.

They also run several other surveys throughout the year, which relate to their services such as highways, education, and libraries.

If you are interested in keeping an eye on and participating in other consultations run by East Sussex County Council, please visit:

Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner 

The Office of the Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner runs frequent consultations with residents, in particular over the December/January period in the lead-up to their budget setting to understand residents’ priorities regarding community safety.

Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner, Katy Bourne, invites residents to provide their thoughts on policing priorities in a survey about the precept, the element of council tax which funds 41% of the Sussex Police budget.

For information on the breakdown of Police funding, visit:

Please watch this space for further information about upcoming consultations.


Find out more about how last year’s budget was set…

https://www.sussex-pcc.gov.uk/get-involved/events-surveys/ or see their latest news page here: https://www.sussex-pcc.gov.uk/about/news/

Wealden Draft Local Plan Consultation 2025 – 2040

In February 2024, Wealden District Council announced the publication of its Draft Local Plan.

This superseded the Draft Local Plan that was drawn up in 2019 and subsequently withdrawn in 2020. The new plan intends to offer a plan for how the district will develop between 2025 and 2040.

Between 15 March 2024 and 10 May 2024, Wealden DC ran an eight-week consultation period which would allow for all district residents to have their say on the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan.

Uckfield Town Council prepared a detailed response to the questions asked within the plan. A copy of the responses are detailed below:

Chapter 3 – Vision and Objectives
Chapter 4 – Spatial Strategy
Chapter 5 – Climate Change
Chapter 6 – Natural Environment
Chapter 7 – Historic Environment
Chapter 8 – Housing
Chapter 9 – Infrastructure
Chapter 10 – Design
Chapter 11 – Economy
Chapter 12 – Town Centres

To review the contents of the draft plan, visit:


Response to the National Planning Policy Framework

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