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Next Phase of Tackling Ash Dieback in Boothland Woods

Works have begun on the next phase of essential Ash Dieback works in Boothland Woods. This work to remove the diseased trees will ensure the safety of users of the woodland.

The work will be scheduled in subject to the weather during the latter part of September and early October.

Both Councillors and staff feel upset that these diseases have such an impact on our beautiful environment. However the Town Council’s tree policy states that for every tree that has to be removed on Town Council land (due to disease, decay etc), another tree will be planted. The council has already started planting trees on a large scale across the town over the past two winters.

Uckfield Town Council apologises for any inconvenience these works might cause and will mitigate to ensure any disruption is kept to a minimum.

About Ash dieback in Uckfield

Ash dieback made its presence felt in Uckfield in 2020 and a number of ash trees have unfortunately been affected within the town since then. Uckfield Town Council has been commissioning surveys on its tree stock over the past two years – working with the Forestry Commission, Arboricultural Association and other experts to identify infected trees, assess the current health of the tree and consider the possible works required. This has been a phased process, which has enabled us to look at specific areas at a time.

What is Ash Dieback?

Ash Dieback is a condition caused by a fungus introduced into Britain fairly recently. The fungus has spread quite rapidly and is highly lethal to our native ash trees. Total losses of native ash are expected to be between 70-95% within the country. Younger trees are highly susceptible but large mature trees, especially those that stand alone seem to be able to co-exist with the disease for some time. Ash trees are very common in our part of the world forming a key component of our woodlands.

Tree for a Tree Scheme

The Town Council has implemented a tree planting scheme so that for every tree that has to be removed on Town Council land (due to decay etc), another tree will be planted. In addition to this, the council has been planting trees on a large scale across the town to reduce our impact on the environment and better manage land for nature.

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