News: -

On the evening of the 28 November, Uckfield Town Council Mayor, Councillor Spike Mayhew presented awards to entrants of the annual Photographic Calendar Competition whose photographs were chosen to be included in the 2020 calendar, themed ‘Uckfield at Work, Rest and Play’.


Also at the presentation held in the Council Chamber of the Uckfield Civic Centre were fellow judges of the Competition; local photographer Ron Hill and Judith Stewart; Sussex Photographic Federation Judge.  The overall third, second and first place winners were announced during the awards presentation and each won One4all vouchers to the value of £20, £35 and £50 respectively. Unfortunately, the first place prize winner was unable to attend on the evening.


The Town Council also ran a social media competition for a ‘comedy caption’ for the photograph used for October, submitted from Julie Eiloart, and from this our judges chose the theme for 2021 as ‘Comedy Captions’.  More information will be available on this on the website in January 2020.

photo of the front of the calendar 2020
Calendar Competitions winners 2020

The Winning Photographs

January- Julie Eiloart – Spring stroll in Lake Wood

February -Doreen Forster – Uckfield Netchicks Walking Netball Team, Victoria Pleasure Ground – SECOND PLACE – Award £35 One4All Voucher

March – Jeff Holman – Toad Patrol out to help toads return safely to Harlands Pond

April – Sophie Clark – Uckfield College – construction underway

May – Uckfield Park Run in the rain at Uckfield Rugby Club

June – Jonathan Close – Give us a push! – Children’s Parade, Uckfield Festival

July – Jonathan Close – Bubble fun at Uckfield Big Day, Luxford Field

August – John Moar – Rugby Club Fete – Stunts on Luxford Field – FIRST PLACE – Awarded £50 One4All Voucher

September – Rachael Banham – The Carnival Parade is on its way – THIRD PLACE – Awarded £20 One4All Voucher

October – Julie Eiloart – Is it a bird, is it a plane – No it’s the Town Crier!

November – John Moar – Fun with Dad at the Park – Hempstead Playground

December – Rachael Banham – Snow much fun! – The Dene, Manor Park


Look out for your calendar being delivered to Uckfield households at the beginning of December 2020!

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