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Nominate someone for a Volunteer Award

The awards will be presented during our Celebrate 30 event held online on 30 September.  This is a great way of spotlighting some of the fantastic work undertaken in our community before and during the pandemic, as well as work which still continues today.

If you know of anyone, young or an adult, or an organisation who you think deserves some credit, please nominate them by filling in and submitting the form below. Forms can also be picked up from, and returned to, the Uckfield Volunteer Centre on the High Street.

The categories are:

Service to our Community Award

This award is open to individuals and organisations in the Uckfield and surrounding areas.  We are looking for nominations of people who have made an outstanding contribution to their community over a number of years.

Good Neighbour Award

Do you know of someone who went out of their way to help their neighbours?  This award is open to individuals living in the Uckfield and surrounding areas.

Young Volunteer Award (for under 25s only)

There are many young volunteers out there and we would love to have nominations for those you feel merit an award for the work they have done volunteering.  Please enter the age of the person being nominated on the form as this award has age limitations.

Happiest Volunteer Award

Nominate a volunteer who is able to bring the sun into people’s lives by being happy or who is just the happiest person ever!  This award is open to individuals only.

Volunteer of the Year (this is open to our member organisations only)

Nominate the volunteer you think has excelled or done something amazing in the last year and deserves the accolade of being Volunteer of the Year.

The deadline for us receiving nominations is 15 September 2021. Nominations received after this date will unfortunately not be considered.  Winners of the awards will be announced at the Celebrate 30 event on 30 September and will also be posted on the UVC website.

For more information visit

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