Council Services

Uckfield Town Council offers a wide range of services for residents of the town.

Our helpful and dedicated staff are keen to respond to your needs and you are welcome to visit us at the:

Town Council Offices, Civic Centre, Uckfield TN22 1AE.

Tel: 01825 762774



Who is responsible for what?

We are the third tier of local government, sitting below County Council and District Council.

We work with both our relevant authorities, East Sussex County Council (ESCC) and Wealden District Council (WDC), on several matters and have clear responsibilities laid out that differ with these levels of government too.

For a full breakdown of which responsibilities rest with each level of local government, please read our helpful guide below.

Your County Council looks after:

  • Highways maintenance (road repairs, verge cutting, pavements, most street lighting);
  • Highway emergencies;
  • Winter gritting;
  • Rights of Way;
  • Public transport;
  • Adult Social Care (carers, services for older people, learning disabilities, physical/sensory impairments);
  • Children’s services (child protection, support for families);
  • Education;
  • Leisure and culture;
  • Libraries;
  • Trading standards
  • Registration of births and deaths;
  • Waste disposal (including household waste recycling centres)

Your District Councils looks after:

  • Council Tax collection;
  • Local planning as your local planning authority;
  • Development control;
  • Building control;
  • Waste collection and street cleansing;
  • Environmental health (including licensing, environmental protection – air quality, noise, food safety, health and safety)
  • Housing advice;
  • Homelessness;
  • Business rates;
  • Housing benefits;
  • Leisure Centres;
  • Wealden car parks;
  • Supporting economic development, local businesses and tourism;
  • Community toilet scheme;
  • Community and capital grants scheme;
  • Conserving biodiversity assets, conservation areas and designated sites.

Your Town Council looks after:

  • Maintenance of Uckfield’s green parks and open spaces;
  • Snatts Road Cemetery;
  • Upgrades and maintenance of Uckfield play areas, sports pitches and skate park
  • Maintenance and management of Allotments;
  • Conservation of our nature reserves and conservation areas;
  • Floral displays and hanging baskets;
  • Christmas lights;
  • Town Centre CCTV;
  • Community grants;
  • Some street lighting;
  • Maintenance of Town Council-owned buildings which include Civic Centre, Foresters Hall, sport pavilions, and lease agreements with tenants of Signal Box, Bridge Cottage, Osborn Hall, upstairs of Victoria Pavilion, Ridgewood Village Hall etc.;
  • Hire of rooms and events at the Civic Centre, Foresters Hall and Sport Pavilions;
  • Events held within the Civic Centre and through the summer on Luxford Field;
  • Luxfords Restaurant;
  • Events held within the town to educate, mark special occasions, and celebrate Uckfield


For more details about all the responsibilities your Town Council has and how action is taken around Uckfield on each of these points, explore the sub-sections below.

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